Meet Nanny Sam: A Passion for Nannying
Meet Nanny Sam
How did you fall into nannying?
I’ve had 6 children. They’re 24-35 years old now, so I guess you can say I’ve had a lot to do with kids; Caring for children comes naturally for me.
When we moved to Sydney for my husband’s work, I applied for a nanny/housekeeper position and worked with the family for 8 years! I became part of the family, and it’s a real privilege to experience that and be there for the good and the bad.
I started working with a family with twins in Brisbane 18 months ago and really enjoyed coming back and being a nanny for a family that reached out to Mini Nanny Agency online. I’m working with beautiful families here.
How do you feel inspired to be the best nanny? What keeps you inspired?
Every child and every family is different, so no two days are the same. I love the fun days I get with kids and the challenges that keep me on my toes.
For me, it’s knowing that I get to support parents and be there for the kids and have fun with them and watch them grow up that makes nannying really rewarding and the job so inspiring.
What’s been your favourite moment as a nanny?
I love moments when we can let our imaginations run wild!
I love the moments when the kids are just showing so much love. Just recently, I had a bit of a cold and I received a voice message from the boys that said, “Hi Sam. I hope you’re okay. We love you!” It just shows that they are thinking about me and it’s really nice.
Your greatest challenge as a nanny?
I think you have to put your own ideas aside on disciplining most of the time and support the parents with the way they discipline the children so that we are on the same page, and that can be very challenging.
Saying "no" and working through temper tantrums are not pleasant, but you have to hang in there because the child will be okay.
What’s the best thing a parent has done to make you feel appreciated?
This is with the family that Michelle had placed me with earlier this year--they are just gorgeous! In the second week, the family bought me a massive bouquet of flowers. The mum said, “thank you for being part of the family and for everything you do.”
I had only been with them for a short time, but it was such a beautiful gesture. It was really special.
When you’re not on nanny duties, what makes you happy?
Sam and her beautiful grandson
Spending time with my kids. I love spending time with my family and reading. I also volunteer and do a lot of work with my parish. I enjoy decorating the church for holidays like Easter and Christmas.
Favourite activities with kids?
Dress up as superheroes and listen to stories at the library with the minis!
We love going to the parks and libraries.
Making parachutes out of tissues and Lego men is always a hit with the kids! Every household with a kid will have a Lego man--they make really good parachute guys.
Lego parachute men are always a hit in the household!
You take the tissue or napkin and tie string to the four corners and attach it to the little Lego man and we go to the top and the stairs and send them down. The kids love this.
I also love playing the made-up games with the kids. Their imaginations are amazing and it’s all about going with the flow.
What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
Just be honest and be yourself. You can’t go wrong with that, especially working with families.
What is your advice for aspiring nannies?
If you enjoy working with kids, just go for it. It’s such a rewarding thing to do to support families and watch children grow.